Roy Hill Expert Fauna Advice
Senior Ecoscape Zoologist, Bruce Turner is currently engaged by Roy Hill to provide expert advice and training services in assisting Roy Hill environmental personnel with the Ground Disturbance Permit processes. The Roy Hill GDP process includes assessment of fauna presence and habitat management that requires GDP applications to be assessed and signed off by a qualified zoologist prior to works being undertaken.
Bruce also provides fauna survey training services to Roy Hill environmental advisors to assist them with field surveys and the identification of conservation significant fauna species and their habitats.
Roy Hill is undertaking a small project of creating and assessing artificial habitat for the Northern Quoll. Bruce has been instrumental in providing expert advice and collecting field data on the microclimate features of known Northern Quoll breeding dens and using this information in creating artificial habitat in disturbed landscapes.
science projects.
Lvl 1 38 Adelaide Street
Fremantle (Walyalup) WA 6160
Whadjuk Boodja
+61 8 9430 8955
Ecoscape offices are located in Walyalup, on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation. We work on many lands throughout Australia and acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community and pay our respects to their cultures, ancestors and Elders.