Burswood Station East Precinct

The Burswood Station East Precinct, bounded by Graham Farmer Freeway, Great Eastern Highway and the Perth-Armadale/Thornlie railway line, has historically been used predominantly for light industrial and warehouses uses. However, in recent years commercial and residential uses have emerged, leading the Town of Victoria Park to examine the need for upgrades to the quality of the public realm. Ecoscape were engaged to develop concepts for the different streetscape typologies and public open space within the precinct.

Targeted Spider Survey Weld Range Western Australia Trap Door Spider Nest Gascoyne

Streets make up a large proportion of the public space within the precinct, and therefore provide a valuable opportunity to contribute positively to the liveability of the neighbourhood. They are spaces where many different activities can and do overlap, with the project encompassing a number of different road types shared by pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles, with added pressure from the use of the road corridor for parking. Ecoscape arrives at a number of solutions to separate pedestrians and bicycles separated from vehicles on the primary roads, with lower-speed shared spaces proposed for laneways.

Targeted Spider Survey Weld Range Western Australia Trap Door Spider Nest Gascoyne

The streetscapes also presented a major opportunity to increase canopy cover, in line with the Town of Victoria Park’s Urban Forest Strategy.

The design of streetscapes accommodates large trees to provide the greatest benefits to cooling, shade, habitat, oxygen production and pollution control. Shady streetscapes also create a more welcoming environment for pedestrians, which in turn will encourage walking and active lifestyles within the community. This may also reduce air pollution as people choose walking or cycling over cares, and provides opportunities for interaction with other members of the community.

Water Corp of WA, Balcatta Office, Water Sensitive Urban Design Building Entrance
Water Corp of WA, Balcatta Office, Water Sensitive Urban Design Building Entrance


Lvl 1 38 Adelaide Street
Fremantle (Walyalup) WA 6160
Whadjuk Boodja


+61 8 9430 8955

Ecoscape offices are located in Walyalup, on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation.  We work on many lands throughout Australia and acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community and pay our respects to their cultures, ancestors and Elders.